Nutrition Guidance and Coaching
Let one of Ottawa’s top nutritionists customize a dietary and lifestyle plan to help you reach your health goals. Allison practices a sustainable, non-judgemental approach. She recommends simple modifications to your diet so that you’re still enjoying what you eat and able to maintain a healthier diet long-term. She’s knowledgeable in the field of chronic illness including Lyme disease, SIBO, IBS, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, TMJ syndrome, PCOS, fertility, weight loss and sports nutrition.
Initial Nutrition Consultation (60min) – $120+HST
During an initial consultation with Allison, you’ll discuss your main health concerns, reasons for seeking nutritional guidance, health history, diet, and lifestyle. Throughout the consult she provides you with some guidance, afterwards she reviews everything discussed and sends you detailed recommendations based on the plan devised together.
Basic Nutrition program – $220+HST
The basic nutrition package includes a 45-min initial consultation and 2×30-min follow-ups (a value of $280). After the initial consultation Allison will develop a nutrition plan and make lifestyle recommendations to suit your goals. Having multiple follow-ups allows her to track your progress and modify your plan so that it’s best suited to your needs.
Meal Plan Add-On – $25+HST
Add a 7-day personalized meal-plan can be added to any consultation.
Ottawa Meal Planning Consult – $100 + HST
The Ottawa Naturopathic Clinic has Ottawa’s leading holistic nutritionist who can guide patients and make meal plans for any dietary advice given to them by another health practitioner. Feeling overwhelmed because you were recommended the FODMAP diet, Anti-Inflammatory Diet, Low Oxalate Diet, Paleo or Keto Diet? Let our nutritionist guide you to success by creating a tailored meal plan catered to your preferences.
Meal plan consultations are for individuals who have already been recommended a specific diet from a medical professional such as their family doctors, naturopathic doctors, endocrinologists, etc. This includes a 7-day meal plan.